
Top 5 Business Processes You Should Automate Today

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How To
Dustin Zhu
April 17, 2024

Much like how Salesforce has transformed the world of customer relationship management—AI will soon change the entire landscape of workflow efficiency... through business process automation. Automating repetitive tasks not only enhances efficiency but also frees up your team to focus on strategic initiatives. Let's dive into the top five business processes that you should automate today to streamline operations and boost productivity.

Why Automation Matters

Platforms like Shopify have made online selling accessible while automation makes managing daily biz ops more efficient. By automating tasks, companies can reduce human error, increase productivity, and achieve better data consistency.

The Top 5 Processes to Automate

1. Customer Service

Automating customer service through AI chatbots or Zendesk automations can transform your customer interactions by providing quick responses and 24/7 support. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also optimizes your support team’s workflow.

2. Sales Orders

Using platforms like HubSpot to automate sales order processes can significantly speed up your sales cycle. From order processing to invoice generation, automation ensures that every step is completed promptly and accurately, leaving less room for manual error.

3. Employee Onboarding

The onboarding process is crucial in ensuring a smooth start for new employees. Automating this process using tools like BambooHR can help standardize onboarding steps, from document submissions to initial training schedules, enhancing the new hire experience.

4. Expense Management

Handling expenses manually can be a tedious and error-prone process. Tools like Expensify automate expense reporting and approvals, making it easier for employees to submit expenses and for finance teams to process them efficiently.

5. Inventory Management

Automating inventory management with systems like Oracle NetSuite ensures real-time tracking of stock levels, orders, and deliveries. This automation helps prevent overstocking or stockouts, optimizing inventory levels and reducing costs.

Next Steps: Implementing Automation

Begin by evaluating which processes in your organization could benefit most from automation. Anything that is manual (email replying, data parsing, invoicing, etc) could be automated with code or drag-and-drop tools.

Conclusion: Embrace the Automation Revolution

As digital technologies continue to advance, embracing automation is not merely an option; it’s a necessity for staying competitive. Similar to how Adobe revolutionized design workflows, automation is set to transform how businesses operate, offering a more streamlined, efficient, and error-free way to manage daily tasks. Don’t wait to make the leap—start automating today to unlock productivity and growth.

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